Digital arts is a college preparatory school. Our program is designed for the student who has set his or her sights on post-secondary academics, and our entire CHSDA staff is committed to helping our students and parents reach their educational goals.  The path to college begins in 9th grade; through careful counseling, students are placed in an appropriate college-preparatory course and required to take part in community connections on campus.  Through the subsequent years, parents and students are educated on the entire college application process.  Field trips to colleges enable students to see and experience a college campus first-hand.  Guest speakers, college fairs and workshops allow access to information ranging from selecting the right college, to picking a career focus, to perfecting the application, to financing the dream and making it a reality. 

    CHSDA has added a brand new position (Student Resource Coordinator) to assist students in planning for life after high school. Even though this is a critical time for our upcoming class of 2018, all of our students are encouraged to decode their interests, set goals, maintain high grades and scores, and to visit the Student Resource Office to access information about internships, enrichment opportunities, and jobs.

    Our Student Resource Coordinator will be responsible for the following:

    • Inviting and hosting college admissions representatives
    • Meeting individually with juniors about their college plans and applications
    • Maintaining the Student Resource Office
    • Developing an advisory curriculum of college readiness with goals and activities for all grade levels
    • Supporting students and families in finding scholarships and college funding
    • Coordinating and supporting test preparation activities
    • Introducing our program to colleges and universities and fostering partnerships
    • Setting up college visits and tours for students in partnerships with grade level teams
    • Arranging for college admissions representatives to visit our campus and facilitate meetings between representatives and our students
    • Provide support to students in resume writing, interview skills, and work place skills as requested.
    • Working with students on Naviance, our online college portal which allows the students to track college progress


    Stay tuned for information on college visits, fairs, and more as we build. Coming Soon.

