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December 11

CEO Weekly Focus

December 11, 2023

Greetings CMSD Families and Friends,

This is the time of year when holiday music and classical songs are amplified. The music helps set the tone for a season associated with joy, goodwill, and giving.

Research has shown that a music education can provide lasting benefits to students. These benefits include an increase in self-confidence, discipline, social cohesion, and academic enrichment.

The Cleveland Public School District All-City Arts Program was established in 1954. Originally, the programing consisted of a symphony orchestra, choir, and concert band. The arts programing has expanded to include dance and jazz education.

The glorious school concert tradition will be showcased again this coming Wednesday, December 13, when East Technical High School will host the All-City Winter concert. An expected 285 Cleveland scholars, enrolled in Grades three through 12, will come together to perform seasonal classics that have resonated throughout the ages.

I pride myself on being a bit of a musician. Once I learned of the winter concert tradition, I asked Jeffery Allen, CMSD’s Executive Director of Fine Arts, if I could join the students in the performance. He graciously agreed to allow me to join the symphony with the instrument of my choice, which is the tuba.

I fell in love with playing the tuba as a fifth grader. The majestic brass wind instrument has enriched my love of learning in ways that compliment my overall academic pursuit.

When you are learning to play an instrument, you need to practice and get feedback. The exercise helps the student to explore new creative ideas. You don’t always succeed at first. That’s the point. You continue to practice and to improve.

I celebrate all of Cleveland’s artistic scholars. I can’t wait to join them on stage for the 2023 All-City Winter Concert. If you are unable to attend the Winter Concert, I invite you to join us at 6:30 Wednesday evening for a livestream of the concert by visiting the CMSD home page or clicking on the following link:

Yours in Gratitude,

Dr. Warren G. Morgan

CMSD Calendar

Upcoming Events

West Side Community High School Choice Fair

December 12, 2023

5:00 - 7:00 PM

Max S. Hayes High School


Board Business Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:30pm
Cleveland School of the Arts, 2064 Stearns Road, Cleveland.
All-City Arts Winter Concert
December 13, 2023
Starts at 6:30 PM

East Tech High School Auditorium

2439 East 55th Street, Cleveland, OH 44104

Admission is Free


See full list of events

Special Observances


National Human Rights Month

National Giving Month

Hanukkah 12/7 - 12/15

Christmas Day 12/25

Kwanzaa 12/26 - 1/1/2024

In the Spotlight

Clara Westropp in the CMSD Board spotlight

Principal Krystal George-Kearns shared the operating vision behind Clara Westropp at the December 5 Board Work Session. The school’s mission follows the universal District goal of ensuring that each CMSD scholar receives a comprehensive and inclusive education. What makes the Clara Westropp model unique is the rigorous integration of the arts within its overall education model.

Principal George-Kearns was proud to share with the board how the school has registered an increase in ELA and Math proficiency from the post-pandemic return to a full-time classroom experience. Overall, school proficiency increased 12% in ELA and 14.5% in Math between 2021 and 2023. 

Another bright spot is the school’s growing affiliation with MetroHealth Hospital. A full-service MetroHealth Clinic housed within the school facility services an expanding number of CMSD families for chronic, primary, and other conditions (including dental and telehealth services). 

Clara Westropp’s community partners include Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Panera Bread, United Way of Greater Cleveland, Operation Warm, and Cleveland Play House. 

Measuring Our Progress


8 - School Band Programs

3 - School Orchestras


37 - School Band Programs

9 - School Orchestras

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