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CMSD partners with other vital agencies in a concerted effort to improve student safety

The Cleveland Metropolitan School District has launched a student safety campaign in coordination with the City of Cleveland, the Regional Transit Authority, and the Cleveland Division of Police. The campaign is called the Stay Safe & Aware Campaign.

The goal of the campaign is to immediately enhance the safety of students to and from school and around schools. Through the use of security cameras and a stepped-up law enforcement presence, the hope is to deter crime before it happens and to give students instant anonymous access to reporting channels.

“The overall objective of the collaboration is to create a prevention and intervention process for our scholars’ safe passage on their way to school and after school,” said Lamont D. Dodson, Chief of Safety & Security for CMSD.

 “Each of the participating departments has committed to a shared responsibility. With an increased law enforcement presence and the installation of more security cameras, we believe these strategies will bring enhanced security measures to all our schools,” Chief Dodson added.

In addition to increased camera surveillance and patrol presence, the safety campaign has also created an anonymous alert app that will enable students to report safely and anonymously any suspicious, concerning, or bullying behavior. The App is available at the App Store or Google Play. Anonymous alerts can also be reported to school administrators at the following website:

In addition, anonymous alert billboards have been posted across the city and advertisements for the student safety campaign are currently being displayed on RTA buses. An important safety number to remember is (216) 838-SAFE.

“Hopefully, with these stepped-up security efforts and anonymous reporting procedures, more students and citizens alike will be encouraged to step up when they observe concerning behavior. If you hear something, say something,” said Chief Dodson.