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Mozambican delegation visits Lincoln-West Global Studies

global studies

Educators and judicial officials from Mozambique met staff from Lincoln-West School of Global Studies during a visit led by the Cleveland Council on World Affairs.



Lincoln-West School of Global Studies welcomed educators and judicial officials from Mozambique to the school last week to share practices and discuss challenges in education.

The visit was part of the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program, which sponsors international professionals on short-term visits to the United States. The Mozambican visitors spent a week in Cleveland for a project focused partly on educational reform, parent involvement and education innovation. They were accompanied by professionals from the Cleveland Council on World Affairs.

With the help of a Portuguese-to-English interpreter, Principal Irene Javier and other staff members outlined the educational model of the high school, which is based on mastery and service learning. The visitors also met three Global Studies students who talked about their experiences at the school.

The visitors also met representatives from CMSD's Family and Community Engagement and Internal Audit departments, along with members of the nonprofit Bond Accountability Commission that monitors CMSD’s construction and renovation projects.

The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is a partner to CMSD and Global Studies and frequently brings international visitors to District schools during  international exchanges with the State Department.

Danilo Alberto Filipe, an English teacher in Mozambique, said he was impressed with the innovative approach to learning at Global Studies.

“The strategy of shifting away from the traditional role of a teacher in front of the classroom telling students what to do is good,” he said. “Students take responsibility for their own learning.”