Good morning.
ALL 9th-12th grade John Marshall students! This is an announcement for all three schools! Starting today (2/22/21) Spring Athletics have begun! If you are interested in participating in a Spring Sport, please view the options below and contact the coach connected with the sport you are interested in participating. I will put the each coach’s school email and you may contact them via Schoology. To ensure proper communication I have included a few sentences stems to help with communication. All practices will follow COVID-19 protocols, masks will be worn at all times except when competing, and as always sports are optional. Please discuss this with your parents before contacting a coach as you will need their approval.
Email/Schoology message
Subject: Spring Sports
Hello Coach,
My name is INSERT NAME and I am interested in trying out for INSERT SPORT. Please let me know the time and dates I am able to attend tryouts/practice to be a part of the team. Thank you
Coaches and contact information:
Girl's track: Mr. Cleggett-Terrance.Cleggett@clevelandmetroschools.org
Boy's track: Mr. Viancourt-Robert.Viancourt@clevelandmetroschools.org
Softball: Ms. Tramontana- Katelyn.Tramontana@clevelandmetroschools.org
Baseball: Mr. Robison -Kenneth.Robison@clevelandmetroschools.org
Boys' tennis: Ms. Lorence-Kelly.Lamberti@clevelandmetroschools.org (Phone number :(847) 609-6399
Girls Rugby: Mr. Milliken-Donald.Milliken@clevelandmetroschools.org
If you have any questions, please call 2168386050