- Stonebrook-White Montessori Campus
- Stonebrook-White Remote Learning Links
Stonebrook-White Remote Learning Links
Teacher |
Schedule |
Link |
Reighley (K) |
Class schedule is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:30-12:00, Wednesday 9:30-11:15 and 11:40-12:25
Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 234 316 332 264
Fleischhacker (Children’s House) |
9:30 login Songs/movement Online field trip Read aloud Language: letter sounds, initial sound game 12:00 log off 12:45-1:35 for art or music
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/81625299466?pwd=TTcvU2U1RlMxdnIrMFRBbThYSVhEUT09 Meeting ID: 816 2529 9466 Passcode: 755733
Beese (Children’s House) |
9:30 login Circle Time- Songs/movement - Hello song - Days of the week/ Calendar - Fingerplay song - Yoga - Go noodle Online field trip - Planetarium: https://stellarium-web.org/ - Grand Canyon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsiI_ulx-t8&themeRefresh=1 - Old Faithful Geiser: https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm Read aloud Language: letter sounds, initial sound game (Heggerty) 12:00 log off 12:45-1:35 for art or music
Mark (Children’s House) |
9:35-9:45am Morning Meeting 9:45-10:15am Story Time 10:15-10:35am Active Movement 10:35-11:25am Virtual Field Trip 11:25-12:00pm Sound & Number time 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:35-2:25pm Encore |
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/4590581837?pwd=b2RjZkdHSTNnaDZjNjIvWERWNUI0UT09 |
Vanneste (Children’s House) |
9:30 login Calendar/days of the week; songs and movement Online field trip Read aloud Language: phonemic awareness and letter/sounds games and activities 12:00 log off 12:45-1:35 log in for art (M W F) or music (T Th) Topic: Pierpont Remote Learning (Mr. Doug and Ms. Tonya) Time: This is a recurring meeting
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/8115772042 |
Pearl (Music) |
Follows master schedule in 25-minute increments 9:35-10am 10:25-10:50am 10:50-11:15am 11:15-11:40am 11:45-12:10pm 12:45-1:10pm 1:10-1:35pm 1:35-2:00pm 2:00-2:25pm 2:25-2:50pm 2:50-3:15pm 3:15-4:05pm |
Mr. T will join Classroom Teachers meeting links. |
Gross (Art) |
Follows master schedule in 25-minute increments |
https://zoom.us/j/3419452206?pwd=cmVCcVVVdVNaV3Z1NzBBd2FWdXpodz09 |
Beurmann (1st & 2nd) |
9:35-10:35 Reading 10:35-11:15 Math 11:15-11:35 Specials (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Art) (Thursday and Tuesday is Music) 11:35-11:50 Math 11:50-12:30 Social Studies/Science
Jones (1st & 2nd) |
9:35am - 10:25am ELA 10:25 - 11:15am Math 11:15am - 11:40am Specials 11:40am - 12:20pm LUNCH 12:20pm - 12:45pm Social Studies 12:45pm - 1:10pm Science 1:10-4:05pm Asynchoronus
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6732221702?pwd=Z3l6YjJyS29mNHhxWXQ3a0lJdFRoQT09 |
Spicer (Lower Elementary) |
9:35 – 10:00: Morning Meeting 10:00 – 11:00: ELA 11:00-11:15: Break 11:15-12:05: Math 12:05: Dismissed for lunch |
Zoom Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7411975243?pwd=S2dIZTZMMTdzT0tYY1hpVHlwSis5UT09 Meeting ID: 741 197 5243 Passcode: wadepark |
Typpo (Lower Elementary) |
9:35am- 10:25am- morning meeting / ELA 10:25am-11:15am: specials 11:15am-12:05pm- math 12:05pm-12:45pm: lunch 12:45pm-1:10pm: social studies 1:10pm-1:35pm: science
1:40pm- 4:05pm: asynchronous See Saw learning activities
White (Lower Elementary) |
9:35 – 10:00 – Music or Art in Somerset’s Zoom Meeting 10:00 – 12:30 – Zoom class with Ms Stephanie 12:30 – Lunch 1:15 – 3:45 – Asynchronous work time Ms Stephanie available in class zoom for help or small group meetings If remote school happens on a Wednesday, Ms Eleni will come to our Zoom meeting from 1:05 to 1:30 for PE class.
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/86536156282 |
Chesney (3rd) |
9:35- multiplication practice. X2-10 (multiplication.com) 9:50- Word Seeker- Come up with as many words as you can using the letters in the word "children", discuss the short i pattern involved with many words. in, hid, rid, rich, inch, chin, children. Write a story using the words. share story with class. 10:15- Big Question: How big is the Universe? (Newsela) 10:30- The best space video for kids! LET'S EXPLORE SPACE! Educational video for children 10:40- Planets of My Solar System (Learning A-Z) 11:10- Go Noodle- Indoor recess 10 (13min) 11:20- How to write an acrostic poem, youtube 11:50- Get piece of paper, write your name down the side like I did with SPACE. 11:50- Count by 3s (space video) |
Anderson (IS) |
Will coordinate with gen.ed. teachers |
Nuti (Reading Recovery) |
9:35-10:05am Reading Recovery D 10:15-10:45am Reading Recovery B 10:55-11:25 Reading Recovery C 11:35-12:05pm Reading Recovery A 12:15-12:45pm LLI Group 1 12:50-1:20pm LLI Group 2 1:20-2:30pm Lunch & Planning 2:35-3:05pm LLI Group 3 3:15-3:45pm LLI Group 4 |
Kirkland (Reading Intervention) |
Will coordinate with the gen.ed. teachers |
Collado (MD/AU, K-2) |
9:30-9:55am ELA 10:00-10:50am Math 11:00-11:50am Science/Social Studies 12:00-12:50pm Lunch 12:45-1:35pm Encore |
Tuggle (MD/AU, 3-5) |
9:35-12:05pm Log on Ms. Tamika’s link M-F 11:15-11:40am PE on Fridays 12:05-12:45pm Lunch 12:45-2:25pm Asynchronus 2:25-2:50pm Encore 2:50-4:05pm Asynchronus |
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/7928282894?pwd=Y2ZXMmtjbFpWMVZ6WnBzcFladFNXUT09 |
Huffman (MD/AU, 6-8) |
9:35-10am Encore M-F 10-10:25am PE on Monday 10-12:30pm Log on to Ms. Becky’s link T-F;10:25- 12:50pm log on to Ms. Becky’s link on Mondays 12:50-1:30pm Lunch 1:30-4:05pm Asynchronous work |
Sposit (5th-8th IAS) |
9:35-10am Encore M-F 10-10:25am Art on Monday 10-12:30pm Log on to Ms. Becky’s link T-F;10:25- 12:50pm log on to Ms. Becky’s link on Mondays 12:50-1:30pm Lunch 1:30-4:05pm Asynchronous work
Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7538396678?pwd=fT0DGVZEZjj1H5O1Sl0ckLZEsOvzt5.1
Meeting ID: 753 839 6678 Passcode: Brian
Ford (IS) |
Will coordinate with gen.ed. teachers |
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/my/mathandsocialstudies |
Meyers (IS) |
Will coordinate with gen.ed. teachers |
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pK7t1QKXpkQ0jNqM7vYWjEXqrlWkd9Fc3txqdThbPQI/edit |
Sindyla (4th) |
9:35-11:45am Log on to Ms. Jen’s link 11:45-12:15pm Asynchronous work 12:15-12:50pm Lunch 12:50-1:35 Asynchronous work 1:35-2pm Encore 2-2:25pm Asynchronous work 2:25-2:50pm Encore 2:50-4:05pm Asynchronous work |
Meeting ID: 729 691 5161
Beabout (Upper Elementary) |
Class time everyday: 9:30-noon Specials Monday - Art @ 2:25 Tuesday - Garden @ 12:50 and Gym @ 2:25 Wednesday - Music @ 2:25 Thursday - Gym @ 2:25 Friday - Art @ 1:35 and Music @ 2:25
Murray (Upper Elementary) |
The schedule for online instruction for 104 will be 9:30-12 class together with breakout rooms. Specials are as follows: Monday P.E. 2:25 Tuesday Music 2:25 Wednesday P.E. 2:25 Thursday Garden 12:45 Art 1:35 Music 2:25 Friday Art 2:25
Koenig (6th) |
9:35-11:15am Log on with Ms. K 11:15-11:40am Encore 11:40-12:30pm Log on with Ms. K 12:30-1:10 pm Lunch 1:10-4:05pm Asynchronous |
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/86020426642?pwd=QXkwZ3pBbkh2ZjJDYmdiT1UyYmQrZz09 |
Hill-Black (Adolescence) |
9:35-10:00- Special Period 1 10:00-10:50 Period 2 10:50-11:40 Period 3 11:40-12:30 |
Breehne (Adolescence) |
9:35-10:00- Special Period 1 10:00-10:50 Period 2 10:50-11:40 Period 3 11:40-12:30 |
Arunski (Adolescence) |
9:35-10:00- Special Period 1 10:00-10:50 Period 2 10:50-11:40 Period 3 11:40-12:30 |
Verbic (PE) |
Follows master schedule in 25-minute increments |
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/j/82972202293?pwd=cENBdUhDVVJZd1EveUdyQy9wdCtjZz09 |
McPherson (Music) |
Follows master schedule in 25-minute increments |
Skufca (Art) |
Follows master schedule in 25-minute increments |
https://clevelandmetroschools-org.zoom.us/my/ms.skufcaartclass?pwd=c0RPNFRLZVNlSkFyVUtHM2lBNXZTQT09 |