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Heart screens for student-athletes detect abnormalities
Sean is a top-performing student-athlete at Ginn Academy, excelling in track and football. He is also one of the top 10 scholars in his graduating class.
He and more than 80 of his classmates participated in preventative heart screenings earlier this school year thanks to The TJ Carrie Foundation in collaboration with The CMSD Integrated Health Department and MCore.
“First they put a gel on my rib area and then I took pictures like a screening, and then they sent the results a couple of days later,” Sean said.
A registered cardiac sonographer performed an EKG, a test that records the electrical activity of the heart, and a limited echo, an ultrasound of the heart chambers on the scholars.
Most students' test results were normal, but Sean and five others needed additional tests due to abdominal issues.
Sean’s mother, Gia Singleton, remembers receiving that potentially lifesaving phone call.
“When I called back, she said that there was some abnormality to Sean’s echocardiogram and we needed to go see a cardiologist right away,” Singleton recalls.
Singleton, a former pediatric nurse, was able to get a follow-up appointment right away. She says the doctor confirmed what was detected in the first screening.
“The doctors described for Sean was a dilation of his aortic root. So, the aorta has a root to it and there's a small dilation or a balloon, that typically can rupture,” Gia said.
While this condition could be life-threatening if the valve ruptures or tears if left untreated, Sean is not in any danger and continues to play sports.
After undergoing these screenings, Sean and his mother are grateful that a heart issue was detected early. He is now receiving treatment under a doctor's supervision, and follow-up screenings are scheduled every six months.
“Of course, I am little nervous,” said Sean, who will be playing football at the University of Cincinnati. “When I am anxious, I start praying and I know everything was going to be okay.”
Sean continues to run track and says he feel fine. He is appreciative of the fact that NFL player TJ Carrie is sharing his story about requiring open-heart surgery as a teenager and has made it his mission in life to assist other players.
“I'm grateful that I was put in this situation to get the test, given the opportunity to know what's wrong in my heart.”