- Cleveland Metro Remote School K8
- Community and Student Supports
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Huntington Learning Center's Reading Boost Program
Huntington Learning Center, in partnership with the City of Cleveland, is offering free individualized reading instruction to students. More information follows and is attached. Are you able to share this information with CMSD families? We dropped flyers off to nearby school this week, but if you know of any other channels that would be great to get the word out (i.e. family groups, special events we could host a table at, etc.), we'd love to have a conversation.
Huntington Learning Center's Reading Boost Program
- Grades K-6
- Program runs twice/week starting December 5
- Offered at Lonnie Burton, Stella Walsh and Zelma George recreation centers in Cleveland
- Free!
- Registration is required, and space is limited. Registration opens Friday 11/18 on the city's website: clevelandohio.gov/NRRCactivities
What families can expect
- An academic evaluation identifying their student's strengths and weaknesses related to reading
- Individualized instruction in a small group setting to maximize results
- In Huntington programs, students increase their reading skills by 1-2 grade levels on average.