Cleveland Kid's Book Bank
Our Inspiration
Little Free Libraries are small, engaging neighborhood kiosks filled with books, encouraging neighbors to “Take a Book, Leave a Book”. Started in 2009 in Hudson, Wisconsin, a grassroots movement evolved. Little Free Libraries are popping up everywhere – today there are more than 50,000 in 80 countries around the globe including more than 85 in Greater Cleveland.
The Cleveland Little Free Library Movement
In 2012, Bob Cheshier began placing Little Free Libraries near Cleveland elementary schools to foster a love of reading by bringing books to children who don’t have books in the home. When Bob passed away in 2013, the Cleveland community wanted to carry on his legacy. Margaret Bernstein, former Plain Dealer columnist, organized a fast-growing movement by partnering with Cleveland Public Library and other literacy-minded organizations and individuals to further the mission.
Where We Are Today
Approximately 75 libraries were independently installed throughout Greater Cleveland prior to the formation of the Movement, primarily in the suburbs. There are now more than 100 libraries installed in City of Cleveland neighborhoods and many more are planned. To ensure sustainability, we bring schools and community partners together to: construct, install and maintain libraries; collect and replenish books to ensure that the libraries are well-stocked; promote and creatively program around the library. These partnerships are critical to building an infrastructure for ongoing success.

Cleveland Kid's Book Bank