• Dress Code

    Dear Franklin D. Roosevelt Academy Families,

    In the interest of maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment, the district believes in the following basic principles: All students are encouraged to dress in a manner that is appropriate, comfortable, and conducive to an active academic school day. Scholars at Franklin D. Roosevelt Academy should take pride in their personal appearance. They should come to school appropriately dressed. Detailed below are our Franklin D. Roosevelt Academy Dress Code Expectations which outlines what is appropriate dress and inappropriate dress.  Thank you, families, for partnering with us as we work together to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all. 


    Sherie S. Turner, Principal


    FDR Academy Dress Code Expectations

    Appropriate Attire for School:

    • Jeans, Khakis, Capris, Long Pants

    Any holes or rips in jeans cannot expose skin or undergarments above the knee.

    If there are holes or rips in jeans or pants, material should cover holes and rips in jeans or pants above the knee.


    • Crewneck shirts, collared shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets

    NO Hoodies on shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets

    (Scholars will not be permitted to wear clothing with hoods during the school day)

    NO logos, words, symbols, gestures that imply the following:

    Gang allegiance

    Sexual connotation,

    Alcohol, drugs, tobacco,

    Profanity, obscenity and/or disrespect

    Anything that may interpreted as offensive or likely to cause a disruption within the school environment.


    • Appropriate length shorts and Bermuda shorts, skirts, and dresses

    Skirts and dresses must be no higher than a student's finger tips.

    Shorts must be no shorter than the tips of the fingers when the arms are straight down your side.


    • Clothing must cover all under garments (bra straps, boxers, underwear, etc.)
    • Dresses or tunics worn over leggings must be at least fingertip length.
    • A-line tank tops are acceptable with at least a 3" width straps.


    • Shoes must have toes and heel covered for safety inside and outside of school building/grounds.

    No Crocs, slide-in shoes/sandals

    For Example: Athletic brand and bubble slide-in shoes, flip-flops, UGG strapped sandals



    Inappropriate Attire is defined as clothing that:


    • Endangers the health or safety of the student or others.
    • Is substantially disruptive.
    • Is provocative or obscene.
    • Head attire such as sunglasses, hats, toboggans, bandanas, scarves, bonnets and hoods of jackets
    • Exposed undergarments, pants below hips.
    • Exposed undergarments with tank tops/shirts.
    • No colored/printed undergarments under white/pale colored shirts.
    • No racer back tank tops/dresses.
    • Tops having necklines that are lower than a straight line from the top of one underarm across to the opposite underarm.
    • Bare midriffs, tops that reveal cleavage; low-cut tops, tube tops, halter tops (even with a shrug).
    • Strapless, single strap, spaghetti strap on shirts or dresses.
    • Bathing suits.
    • Biker shorts.
    • Bare feet, bedroom slippers,
    • Pajamas/sleepwear
    • Short shorts (must be longer than the longest fingertip when arms are extended completely down their sides)
    • Miniskirts/mini dresses (no shorter than 3" above the knee)
    • No Spandex Skirts
    • Head attire such as sunglasses, hats, toboggans, bandanas, scarves, bonnets and hoods of jackets
    • Chains.
    • Logos, words, symbols, gestures that imply the following:
        • Gang allegiance.
        • Sexual connotation.
        • Alcohol, drugs, tobacco.
        • Profanity, obscenity.
        • Disrespect (anything that may interpreted as offensive or likely to cause a disruption within the school environment)