• A great day of learning at Harvey Rice begins with a healthy learning environment. At 7:15 a.m., our students enjoy a nutritious breakfast. During breakfast, they can assist the "cafetorium" staff and earn community service hours, read, study, or talk with their peers. Our school day begins promptly at 7:35 a.m. Teachers and administrators warmly greet our scholars to ensure that their day begins on a positive note. At 8:05 a.m., students listen to a morning message provided by our student-led morning announcement team and recite our school creed. Thereafter, students begin their class meetings which involves sharing thoughts, working collaboratively and solving problems. Next, we highlight the importance of reading with a daily reading session. This gives students the opportunity to read what they want, share what they read, and treat reading as a priority in their lives.

    Throughout the school day, our students experience an engaging curriculum that focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking, mathematics, science, social studies and cross-curricular connections. They also enjoy art, music, media, physical education, reading intervention or enrichment, and technology. We serve a nutritious lunch and encourage wellness through recess participation.  Our students see their parents and community members volunteering, because our staff believes that it takes a community to build a culture that promotes student achievement.  The school day continues after the final bell rings at 2:05 p.m. Student can choose to participate in tutoring, sports, and clubs. 

    A day in the life of a Harvey Rice student is a successful academic and social experience.