Scranton is a highly effective PreK-8 school located on the West side near Tremont and Ohio City. We are staffed to serve a diverse population of young scholars, including a strong bilingual program. Scranton earned a "5 Star" rating in Progress for the past 2 years on the Ohio State Report Card, meaning that our scholars earned more than one year's worth of academic growth in 1 school year. All of our classrooms are equipped with CleverTouch boards, document cameras and individual devices in order to enhance each child's academic experience. We currently have 2 full day preschool classrooms.
At Scranton we strive to get our scholars involved in the entire school community. We have partnered with Scranton Road Ministries in order to offer programming Monday - Thursday from 2:05 - 4:15. We also offer many after school social and activity clubs that can be found in the activities section. We have a girl's volleyball team, boy's basketball team (2012/13 City Champs), guitar club, House Teams and anti-bullying committee. In order to meet the needs of our scholars we offer wrap-around services that include: MetroHealth School Health Program, dental treatment, vision and glasses, as well as counseling services with Families First. Your child will be safe with us!
Network Leader:
Greg Adkins
A Scranton School teacher who thrives on figuring out and using technology has won recognition for guiding her peers into remote learning instruction.
5/6/2019 -- A group of eighth-graders and a 95-year-old World War II veteran bridged generations and history Monday at Scranton School. Helene Weinberger spoke about her service during the war. After listening respectfully and asking questions, the kids donated $250 to Honor Flight, a Cleveland charity that flies veterans to visit their wars’ memorials in Washington, D.C.
Friday marked the launch of the Partners in Health lead screening program, which aims to reach all children ages 3-5 at four CMSD schools this year and eventually expand across the entire District.
11/9/2017 Ten award-winning CMSD teachers are reaping well-deserved congratulations. They also are planning ways to share their methods with peers across the District.
5:00 PM - 8:30 PM East Professional Center - CMSD Electronic Gradebook Activation Event with Community Partners
CMSD scholars from four high schools gathered to engage in a candid and enlightening conversation about teen sexuality, at the 2024 Teen Health Summit.
The opening of Mound Wellness Center, Glenville Wellness Center and Clara E Westropp Wellness Center is a collaboration between MetroHealth and CMSD to provide school-based healthcare services
Mrs. Sekaran, who has taught for 15 years, has affected students and staff with her diligent efforts to identify and encourage students to participate in AP classes.
Rep. Brown hopes to learn more about what issues are important to some of her youngest constituents through her newly formed Youth Advisory Council. Out of the 18 students selected to serve on her council, seven are from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.