Who are we?

  • Luis Muñoz Marín Dual Language Academy is a premier PreK – 8 school in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. We use Personalized Learning to provide our students with choice and voice in tailoring what, when, where, and how they learn and demonstrate their learning. This educational approach engages, supports, and challenges all learners to determine their own path and pace to acquiring knowledge. We also use the Wraparound strategy to ensure partnerships with family and community members. Our 5-star preschool program readies 4-year-olds for kindergarten by introducing cognitive, metacognitive and socioemotional skills. Our school promotes a positive school culture and climate through the use of Restorative Practices, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, and our award-winning PATHs program. We support cultural competency through our dual language model, expeditions, programming, curricula, and a wide range of athletics and activities.


    This Video was created by our students where they share a message of hope for all.
    Ms. Sheela Das and Mr. Bendezu's class worked on this video where the class shares a message of hope during this pandemic. A very moving message that hope is forever!
    Having Hope (c) 2021 Mr., Bendezu's Class
    Music by Sheela Das
    With the Support of:
    Teach Arts Ohio
    Ohio Arts Council


    Having Hope

Jaguar News

In the District

  • Ohio Arts Council

  • Healthy Schools

  • Safe Routes to school
  • Step Up to Quality
    ClevelandMetro School District

Our School