It is expected that students between the ages of 6 and18 go to school every day throughout the school year or confer with their teachers to make up all work missed because of an absence.
Our doors open at 8:10 AM.
School begins promptly at 8:30 AM each day and lets out at 3:00 PM.
Students who arrive late or leave early may miss important instructional time. Please make every effort to have your child in the building for the duration of the day. This will help your child succeed in their learning.
Absences will be considered "excused" for the following reasons:
- Personal illness - This may require a note from a physician
- Illness in the family - This may require a note from a physician
- Quarantine of the home - Limited to the time of quarantine until the issue is fixed by proper health officials
- Death of a relative - Limited to 3 days unless reasonable cause is shown for a longer absence
- Observance of a religious holiday
- Medical or Dental appointment
Please send a note with your child after an absence for their teachers' records. This note must include the date, reason for absence, and a parent or guardian's signature.
Please see the Student Code of Conduct booklet for information regarding Truancy.