• Student Conduct

    ALL Harvey Rice Wraparound students are expected to BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL, and BE RESPONSIBLE at all times while interacting with peers and school staff. Any student who fails to achieve these expectations will be subject to disciplinary actions of the district, which may include, but is not limited to, contact of a parent, detention, suspension, and expulsion.


    ALL students are expected to REMAIN SEATED in their assigned area throughout the duration of their time in the lunchroom. There are too many children in the lunchroom to walk or run around while others are eating. Students are expected to clean up their area once they are finished eating. Students are not allowed to talk across tables. Students must TALK QUIETLY only to students at their table. Screaming/Yelling is NOT allowed. Throwing food or other items is NOT allowed. Any disruption in the lunchroom will result in disciplinary action.


    All students are expected to walk quietly throughout the halls. Running is NOT allowed. Screaming/Yelling is NOT allowed. Students in the halls will be accompanied by an adult or have a hall pass at all times.


    In the classroom, students are expected to behave in a way that promotes teaching and learning in their classroom. Students are expected to adhere to the directives of their teachers. All students are expected to work productively and actively participate in class. Sleeping in class is NOT allowed! Disciplinary action will be taken against students who do not behave appropriately in class. Scholars should NOT have any electronic devices out during class time or any time during the school day. Multiple violations of the rule will result in disciplinary action.


    The school bus is an extension of the classroom.  All students must REMAIN SEATED while on the bus. NO PROFANITY is allowed on the bus. EATING AND DRINKING IS NOT ALL ALLOWED! Physical contact including HITTING, PUNCHING, PUSHING, and FIGHTING is NOT ALLOWED. Any student misconduct on the bus can result in suspension or expulsion from the bus AND from school.


    ALL students have the right to attend school and not be intimidated, threatened, or harassed by others. Bullying is defined as any intentional act that a student does more than once that severely intimidates, threatens, and harms another student. BULLYING (including cyberbullying) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AT WILBUR WRIGHT SCHOOL! Any student who feels that they are being bullied is expected to immediately notify school staff so appropriate action can be taken. Bullying is a Level III expelable offense and students who engage in bullying will be disciplined following corresponding district guidelines.

    Electronic Devices:

    Students are NOT ALLOWED TO USE electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, iPods, during the school day. Any electronic device that is seen or heard during the school day may be immediately confiscated by school staff and turned into an administrator. Please read the district Code of Conduct Handbook regarding confiscation of electronic devices.

    Prohibited School Items:

    The following items are NOT ALLOWED to be brought into school with students and will be immediately confiscated by school staff:
    • Gum and Candy
    • Glass bottles
    • Pop and Energy Drinks
    • Permanent Markers
    • Body sprays, hairspray, or lotion 

    Please review our District's Student Code of Conduct for an exhaustive list of protocols and operational expectations.