• To be ready for the 2022-2023 school year, parents, caregivers, students, and teachers are asked to complete their surveys online as soon as possible.



    What is the Say Yes survey? 

    The parent/caregiver survey is one of the rsources used to better understand each child's needs. Teachers and the students themselves (5th-8th graders) will also complete a survey. 

    The questions touch on many areas. Theses include health, social and emotional topics. Some questions are personal. Please answer whatever questions you are comfortable answering. 

    All questions are asked to better understand the student's life outside of the classroom. Your answers will help us connect your student(s) to helpful support on the path to success in college, career and life. 


    If you have more than one child in our school, please complete a survey for each child. 


    How do I complete the survey? 

    1. Click on the "Parent/Guardian" button.

    2. Type in your student's school ID (this number is on the student's report card or can be obtained from the school)

    3. Type in your student's date of birth

    4. Answer questions