- Robert H. Jamison
- Communication Development & Concerns
Ms. Smith - Speech & Language Pathologist
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Is your student in elementary school? Use this guide to learn about your student's speech and language development. While children develop at their own rate, the skills listed are what most students can do by the end of that grade.
Suggestions for how to support your student’s communication development.
School-based SLPs work with students who have speech and language problems that are affecting their education. The SLP works closely with the Student Support Team (SST) to determine appropriate intervention services for students referred for these concerns. If determined interventions in the classroom alone are not working, the team may decide to refer for standardized assessment to determine eligibility for an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Students with an IEP are provided specially designed instruction in the areas of speech or language as outlined in their IEP. The IEP is re-written annually to adjust to the student’s current needs. If you have concerns about your student’s learning because of speech or language problems, please contact the SST or myself (abigail.smith@clevelandmetroschools.org).
SST: Ms. Podolski, Intervention Specialist (danielle.dailey@clevelandmetroschools.org), Ms. Panchur, Reading Recovery Teacher (cheryl.panchur@clevelandmetroschools.org)