• Epic!

    Contact me to get an invitation to get this app for free.  It has tons of books to read on it.

    5 Types of Questions Song

    A song to remember what the question words “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” and “why” mean.

    Toontastic 3D

    Free app where you can create a short or longer story with all the important parts.


    Use this visual to help your student remember all the ways you can describe something. From http://theresourceteach.blogspot.com/2016/05/expanding-expression-tool-eet.html

    ChatterPix Kids

    Free app you can use to have anything or anyone tell or retell a story.

    Social Thinking

    Click on above link to listen to social learning stories such as Hidden Rules and Expected and Unexpected Behaviors, Thinking Thoughts and Feeling Feelings, The Group Plan, Thinking with Your Eyes, Body in the Group, Smart Guess, and Flexible and Stuck Thinking.

    The Genius of Play

    Lots of play ideas by age or area of development.

    My PlayHome Lite

    Free app to play with a digital doll family together while practicing language skills.