Phone: 216-920-1205
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Education- Cleveland State Masters Degree in Education - MaryGrove College
Mrs. Sandy Smith
Welcome! Allow me to give you a bit of information about myself. I have been teaching for over 20 glorious years in Cleveland, I also am a product of the Cleveland City School district! Being with children is something I've done all my life. I have three children and three grandchildren. Raising kids now a days is no easy task. You basically have to learn how to juggle your priorities. I co-teach reading and social studies with Mrs. Gilliam. Students departmentalize and are with me for three periods a day, then they switch classrooms for Math and Science. Homework is important as it reinforces what we are working in in the classroom. I will never give an assignment if it hasn't been taught to students. It is important that your child does homework nightly. Also, children should be reading every night for at least 20 minutes. Communication with parents is my number one priority in making sure your child is a success. With you and I working together, your child is sure to have a great year!