• Mission

    City Year is an education-focused organization fueled by national service that partner with urban public schools in high-poverty communities to help keep students and on track to graduate. 


    City Year Cleveland's vision is to serve as the premier national service organization that empowers young leaders and is renowned as the Cleveland Metropolitan School District's primary provider of targeted interventions for at-risk students. 


    Founded in 1988, City Year AmeriCorps members commit to a year of full-time service in partnering schools, where they serve as tutors, mentors and role models to help at-risk students get back on track to graduate by improving their attendance, behavior and coursework. They provide students with one-on-one tutoring, support in classrooms and organize school-wide initiatives to improve school culture. City Year works in 27 cities across the United States and has international affiliates in London, Birmingham and Manchester, United Kingdom and Johannesburg, South Africa. 

    City Year Cleveland was launched in 1996 as a legacy project of the City's Bicentennial Commission. Since then, over 1,350 AmeriCorps members have served in the program. They have worked with nearly 48,000 students and collectively they have provided over 2 million hours of service to the Greater Cleveland community. Over 350 young leaders apply for the competitive 60 slots available in the program. The City Year Cleveland 60 AmeriCorps members work in seven Cleveland Metropolitan School District Investment Schools reaching 2,200 students. The George Washington Carver STEM School has 8 dynamic City Year Corps members working with 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th grade scholars this school year.