What can students wear?
Shirts /TopsColors - Solid Light Blue, Black or White (only)
- No insignia or logos
- Official Carver Gold/Blue polo shirts
Female Male - Blouses with collars
- Polo shirts
- Oxford tops
- Turtlenecks
- Dress shirts
- Polo shirts
- Oxford Shirts
- Turtlenecks
Students are not allowed to wear hoods.All shirts must be tucked in.Bottoms/PantsColors
- Dark blue, navy, black, Khaki or tan
- All solid colors
- Materials: Cotton twill, dress or corduroy
Female Male - Slacks or capris
- Knee-length or longer skirts
- Jumpers
- Skorts or shorts
Pants or knee-length shorts No jeans or sweat suits for either males or females Sweaters Female Male Colors - Black, navy or white
- Cardigans
- Pullovers or vests
- Cardigans
- Pullovers or vests
Belts Female Male Colors - Black, navy, light or dark brown
- No other colors, insignias or logos on belts
Required for all slacks, skirts, shorts, and skorts with belt loops Required for all slacks and shorts with belt loop
Headgear - No headgear, including but not limited to, scarves, hats, rags or wraps
All students are expected to adhere to the uniform dress code.Pre-K students are not held to the uniform dress code, but are encouraged to comply.To learn more about the uniform policy, and limited uniform assistance call 216.838.FACE (3223).