• The School Parent Advisory Committee’s role is to provide advice and assistance to school administrators and educators related to the Academic Achievement Plan, programs, activities, resources, and services in order to help the school attain its goal of providing each child with the best education possible. Committee may:

    • Assist by providing input on the educational priorities of the school based on achievement data
    • Offer advice on a variety of school issues (school climate, social-emotional learning, Title I, special education, ELL, attendance, extracurricular activities, etc.)
    • Promote and encourage parent and community participation in the school
    • Provide volunteers and fund-raising activities to enhance the school experience for students
    • Provide a communication link between the school and the community
    • Help identify the concerns of students, parents, and community members and assist in developing solutions
    • Parents or guardians whose children attend the school are eligible to serve as members of the advisory committee

    PAC meeting will held the first Tuesday of every month at 5pm-630pm in the Media Center.

    Please contact your Parent Ambassador for further details.
