What is Schoology? It is an online tool that keeps you up to date with school announcements, manages curriculum, assessments, grading and other classroom management tasks.  Parents may have an account that can be linked with their children's accounts. When parents log in, they will see a Facebook-like interface that links them to the District Schoology page as well as the school pages where their children attend and each child's classroom.  Please note, if you have a child in grades PreK-2, your teacher may use a Learning Management system called Seesaw for assignments. However, you can still sign up for Schoology so you can view the latest updates at Almira!

    Would you like access to your child's Schoology Student Page? Please contact our main office or your child's teacher to receive a Parent Code to access your child's Schoology account. 


    CLICK HERE after you receieve your access code to access your Schoology account