- Dike School of the Arts
- 4th-8th Grade Auditions
Click Below to View Audition Criteria
Come prepared to demonstrate your experience and abilities according to the following rubric:
For your demonstration, please come dressed in informal professional dress (no cut jeans or short attire).
- Come prepared to deliver a 45-60 second monologue of your choosing. The monologue must be performed by memory and must be memorized exactly.
- You will be rated on the following:
- volume
- diction
- vocal control
- movement, use of gestures
- how well you bring the monologue to life.
Remember, it is your job to convince us that your character and your situation are real. After your performance, you may be asked questions about yourself and your character.
Instrumental Music: Orchestra & Band
Instrumental Music: Orchestra & Band
Prepare a short piece that demonstrates your musical ability and be prepared to play a major scale on your instrument.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts
For your demonstration, come prepared to draw a person with a body and draw some details including clothing, hair, facial features. Draw the image so that it fills the page.
Put the person in a setting. Add details and small elements to incorporate elements of art and principles of design. You will be assessed on your use of value with pencil or colored pencils and the use of line, shape, value and color. Keep in mind the following principles of design; pattern, unity, contrast, emphasis, focal point, repetition, visual movement, and positive and negative space in regard to foreground/ background. Art supplies will be provided.
Vocal Music & Piano
Prepare a short piece that demonstrates your vocal ability and be prepared to sing a major scale. For piano, come prepared to play one of the pieces below or a piece of your choosing.