• This District has offered the following Safety Tips


    To be an UPstander

    1) Know the Bully Policy in your school; know the Bully Laws in your state (Ohio’s Bullying Laws).
    2) Help others who are targets; befriend them
    3) Show your disapproval by not laughing or joining in
    4) Tell the bully to stop or saying “that’s not cool!”
    5) Help the target by breaking the ice / tension
    6) Get help from an adult
    7) Stop untrue or harmful messages from being spread. For example: texting, facebook, twitter, myspace
    8) Make friends outside your circle
    9) Respect others differences and help others to respect differences
    10) Ask your teacher and/or principal to develop an Anti Bully climate

    To End Bullying (in person)

    1) Know the Bully Policy in your school; know the Bully Laws in your state (Ohio’s Bullying Laws).
    2) Don’t fight back but don’t stand by and do nothing
    3) Be Confident, walk with pride, keep your chin up
    4) If you are afraid, don’t let the bully know that; Act as if you’re not afraid
    5) Find what’s troubling you; most targets of bullying are likely to be quiet / depressed
    6) Ignore the bully; steer clear of bullies, stick with friends
    7) Tell an adult
    8) Stay calm, don’t react
    9) Agree with the facts
    10) Say STOP; walk away

    To End Cyberbullying (facebook, twitter, cell phone, etc.)

    1) Know the laws in your state
    2) Save the evidence; print out everything
    3) Do not respond
    4) Don’t retaliate
    5) Talk to a trusted adult
    6) Block the bully
    7) Do not publicize the incident - most likely it will perpetuate the incident.
    8) Tell the bully to stop, if you feel safe
    9) Be civil, don’t be a bully
    10) Ignore the bully