What is PBIS @ Seltzer?
Marion C. Seltzer School has a positive program to create a safer and more effective school called the Seltzer Star Program based on the research-based program called Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS). PBIS creates safer and more effective schools. It is an all-school approach to teach and support positive behavior for all students. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
PBIS School Wide Rules and Expectations
Marion C. Seltzer School has adopted a unified set of three rules:
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
PBIS is earned on a weekly and semester basis with an 80% behavior point log. Weekly earnings include end of the week parties, line dancing, snacks, karaoke, nacho & cheese, or something fun. The semester fun is usually a field trip such as skating, Fun & Stuff, movies, etc.