• Collection of Parent Newsletters (Boletines para Padres)

    Collection of Parent Newsletters (Boletines para Padres)

    Find all of the Parent Newsletters here. Throughout the year these newsletters contain important information about policies, procedures, events, and anything else going on around school that you need to know about.

    Encuentre todos los boletines para padres aquí. A lo largo del año, estos boletines contienen información importante sobre políticas, procedimientos, eventos y cualquier otra cosa que sucede en la escuela que usted necesita saber.

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January Parent Newsletter by marjorie caraballo
  • Transportation: Bus Tracker

    • Track your child’s yellow bus on your phone with the Edulog Parent Portal!
    • Download the app at ClevelandMetroSchools.org/EdulogPP
    • Transportation Hotline 216.838.4BUS
    • Click here for more information!
  • Dear CMSD Parents and Caregivers,

    The Ohio Department of Education has requested that we share this Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement with you as part of a proposed settlement of a lawsuit involving the Ohio Department of Education.  Although CMSD is not named in the lawsuit, the goal of the Settlement Agreement is to improve the overall quality of special education and related services given to students with disabilities across the State, and, in particular, in 11 Districts of which CMSD is one, and to improve results for students with disabilities. It includes additional support by ODE so that school districts, particularly the 11 Districts identified, meet the requirements of federal law.  Additional information about this lawsuit is available on DRO’s website at http://www.disabilityrightsohio.org. If you have any questions about this Notice or the proposed Settlement Agreement, you can contact Disability Rights Ohio at (614) 466-7264 or (800) 282- 9181.