• What your child is learning this marking period...

    English Language Arts:

    Reading: Acquisition of Vocabulary

    Infer word meaning through identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships.

    Use knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meanings of complex words.


    Reading: Informational Technical and Persuasive Text

    Identify arguments and persuasive techniques used in informational text.

    Explain the treatment, scope and organization of ideas from different texts to draw conclusions about a topic.


    Reading: Literary Text

    Demonstrate comprehension by inferring themes, patterns and symbols.

    Explain how figurative language expresses ideas and conveys mood.


    Writing Applications

    Produce informational essays or reports that convey a clear and accurate perspective and support the main ideas with facts, details, examples and explanations.

    Use persuasive strategies, including establishing a clear position in support of a proposition or a proposal with organized and relevant evidence.



    Formulate open-ended research questions suitable for investigation and adjust questions as necessary while research is conducted.

    Locate and summarize important information from multiple sources.

    Organize information in a systematic way.

    Acknowledge quoted and paraphrased information and document sources used.

    Communicate findings orally, visually and in writing or through multimedia.


    Oral and Visual Communications

    Explain a speaker’s point of view and use of persuasive techniques in presentations and visual media.

    Present ideas in a logical sequence and use effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform a listener's understanding of key ideas.

    Give presentations using a variety of delivery methods, visual materials and technology.




    Patterns, Functions and Algebra

    Use symbolic algebra to represent and explain mathematical relationships.

    Use rules and variables to describe patterns, functions and other relationships.

    Graph linear equations and inequalities.

    Analyze functional relationships, and explain how a change in one quantity results in a change in the other.