• FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Is there a fee?
    No, this academy is a part of Cleveland Metropolitan School District, which is a public school district.

    What if I live outside of Cleveland? Will my son get transportation?

    As long as your son is accepted, and you can provide transportation, he can attend any CMSD school. Transportation is provided to residents of the city of Cleveland based on guidelines set by the CMSD transportation department.

    My son currently attends a charter school. How do I transfer him into KCBLA?

    If your son is enrolled in a school outside CMSD, you may enroll him at any CMSD school. You will need a birth certificate, shot record, proof of withdrawal, most recent report card from his previous school, proof of residency, and parent's current valid ID.

    We live with someone else, so I don’t have proof of residency in my name. What can I do?

    If you are living with someone else, you should contact Project ACT, (216) 838-0210, who can complete your enrollment. This also applies to families that are homeless or living in a shelter. You may also walk into CMSD Administration Building at 1111 Superior Avenue.

    What if my son has an IEP or needs one?

    If your son receives special education services, you must go to the CMSD Administration Building at 1111 Superior Avenue, to enroll or transfer into KCBLA. We have a school psychologist and intervention specialists who can assess and provide services for scholars with identified needs.

    Is there a fee for lunch?
    Every scholar enrolled in a CMSD receives a free lunch. No application required.

    What is your dress code?
    Our dress code is a collared white button-down shirt with no insignia or logo with the exception of KCBLA logo shirts. See Dress Code section for further details.

    What about PTA or PTO?
    CMSD parent organization is called SPO (School Parent Organization) or PAC (Parent Advisory Committee). We have an active and involved SPO. As a parent of a student at KCBLA you are automatically a member, and we encourage you to get involved.

    What if I want to volunteer?
    Volunteers are a valuable asset to our academy and always welcome and encouraged. Volunteers must register. Registration is available online on the CMSD website under the Face Department. Volunteering Website