
Home of the Mighty Tarblooders

Welcome to Glenville!

  • Imagine a high school with not only a statewide and national reputation for athletics, but a place where, from the moment you walk in the door, you experience a sense of belonging and are on your way to being prepared for a successful life beyond high school.
    At Glenville, you can:
    • Choose from several Career Technical Education pathways towards graduation. We offer Dental, Criminal Justice, or Nursing pathways. All three of these pathways begin your sophomore year and prepare you to take certification courses in your senior year so that you can start working in your chosen pathway immediately after graduation. 
    • Become an Army JROTC Cadet. Take courses throughout your high school career that help you become more disciplined and focused while preparing you for leadership in any military branch or whatever career you choose.
    • Earn credits for high school graduation, internships, apprenticeships through the OTCO North East Ohio Regional Sewer District program which provides training for careers as essential workers in water and wastewater management.
    • Participate in the Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG) Program. This program is designed to motivate and support African-American students and improve graduation rates. Features include a daily advisory program that fosters college and career readiness.
    • Participate in the "Jobs" program brought to us by Youth Opportunities Unlimited. In this program, you are prepared for the world of work and summer employment. 
    • Join Upward Bound programs associated with Cuyahoga Community College and Baldwin Wallace University.
    • Have the opportunity to acquire college credits through advanced placement course offerings.
    • Get involved in extracurricular activities from football to foreign language clubs, chess teams, Pre-Nail Tech Academy, and more. 

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School Details

  • Address: 650 East 113th St
    Cleveland, OH 44108

    Phone: 216.838.2000
    Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:05 PM 
    Building Principal: 
    Building Secretary:

    Network Leader:
    Andrew Koonce


    Ward: 9

    Enroll Now

Peachjar Flyers
  • Healthy Schools

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