The Weekly Family Update #1 September 3, 2023 | | |
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| |  | | | - Friday, October 11, 2024-Fall Recess, No School
- Friday, October 18, 2024-End of First Marking Period
- Thursday, October 24, 2024-Parent Ambassador Café (PAC)
- Friday, October 25, 2024-No School for Pre-K and Kindergarten
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024-No School, Parent Teacher Conferences
- Tuesday, November 5, 2024-No School, Election Day
| | | Once a month Tremont Montessori School hosts a Parent Ambassador Café meeting. PAC meetings are an opportunity to share school and district resources, important information, and deepen your understanding of Montessori education. We want to improve parent/guardian participation at our Parent Ambassador Café meetings, and would like to know what time works best for you. Please respond to the poll below. | What time are you most available for PAC meetings? | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |  | | |  | | | Thank you to all the fathers and families who came out for our annual Fathers Walk! |  |  | | | - Fall Recess, No School,10/11/2024
- End of Marking Period 1, 10/18/2024
- Election Day/PD Day (no students) 11/5/24
- Veterans Day Observed 11/11/24
- Picture Day, 11/12/2024
- Celebrate Ancestors Day 11/26/24
- Thanksgiving Break 11/27-11/29/24
- Picture Re-takes 12/4/24
- Winter Showcase 12/19/24
- Winter Break 12/23/24 to 1/3/25
- MLK Day, NO SCHOOL, 1/20/25
- PD Day, NO STUDENTS, 2/14/25
- Presidents Day, NO SCHOOL, 2/17/25
- Spring Break 3/24 - 3/28/25
- Preschool Sing Out 4/17/25
- Good Friday, NO SCHOOL, 4/18/25
- Earth Day (possible family group) 4/22/25
- Spring Showcase 5/15/25
- Memorial Day 5/26/25
- 8th grade promotion 5/28/25
- Last day for PreK Students-5/28/25
- Last Day K-8 Students – 5/29/25
| Parent/Teacher Conferences 10/29/24—No School 2/5/25—Early Release 4/23/25—Early Release PAC Meetings/Parent Café 10/24/24 11/21/24 1/16/25 3/20/25 5/8/25 Children’s House PD DAYS (PreK/K) NO SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN’S HOUSE STUDENTS 9/20/24 10/25/24 12/6/24 1/31/25 3/21/25 4/11/25 | | | Arrival and DismissalTMS Families, please adhere to our schools arrival and dismissal procedures which can be found below. Parents and guardians picking up students in grades 1-8 will be released at the school's main entrance. The school's parking lot is not open after 4:00 PM to incoming cars, because it is a safety hazard. Cars can leave the parking lot after 4:00 PM but they cannot enter. If you arrive after 4:00 PM to pick up your child, please park on the street, and walk to the main entrance to pick up students. Remember students who are walkers or car riders in grades 1-8 will be released from the main entrance. Pre-K and Kindergarten students will be released at their designated door. Further instructions for arrival and dismissal can be found below. | Attendance and TardiesPlease make sure your child is arriving to school on time. School doors open at 9:15 AM and students have until 9:35 AM to be in class. When students are tardy or if they leave early, time missed in class is counted towards hours missed. | | |  | Brynna Uldricks | Brynna Uldricks is the new Lower Elementary teacher in room 238. |
 | Chanda Bynum | Chanda Bynum is the new instructional paraprofessional in room 231. |
|  | Yeon Hee Kim (Mel) Minich | Mel is the new instructional paraprofessional for Lower Elementary in room 241. |
 | Michael Cline | Michael Cline is the new physical education teacher for TMS. |
| | |  | | CMSD Student Cell Phone Usage PolicyCell Phones and Electronic Devices The District is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive learning environment for its students. The District recognizes that personal cellular phones and electronic devices can be a source of disruption in the learning environment. Although families may choose, at their own discretion and risk, to send a personal cell phone or similar electronic device to school with their student, the access to and use of the cell phone or electronic device is governed by this policy.
Personal Cell Phones and Electronic Devices During the School Day: To maintain a secure and orderly learning environment, students who choose to bring a personal cell phone or electronic device to school will have their phone / device subject to collection and/or storage during the student school day.
Cell Phone Plan CMSD Phone-Free School Initiative To enhance the teaching and learning experience, CMSD schools are becoming phone-free spaces by implementing the Yondr system, a solution already used in over 1,000 schools across 21 countries. Policy According to CMSD’s board policy and Ohio House Bill 250, students who bring personal cellphones or electronic devices to school will have them stored in secure Yondr pouches during the school day to maintain a secure and orderly learning environment. Procedure Students will receive a personally assigned Yondr pouch upon arrival at school. Phones will be secured in the pouch and kept with the student, but inaccessible until the end of the school day. Students are responsible for their Yondr pouch throughout the day and should store it safely in their backpacks.
Benefits Yondr has proven to significantly improve the learning environment: 65% of schools reported improved academic performance. 74% of schools observed better student behavior. 83% of schools saw increased student engagement in the classroom.
Support For any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s school directly. In case of an emergency, please reach out to the main office at your child’s school.
Reaching Your Child: Contact the main office during the school day. (216) 838-9850. School Emergencies: Students will follow the school’s emergency preparedness protocol for safety. Phone Safety: Phones will remain in students’ possession inside the Yondr pouch, kept safe in their backpacks. Handling Pouch Issues: Damaging a pouch or unauthorized phone use will result in disciplinary actions as outlined by the school.
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School Hours 9:35 am - 4:05 pm
Breakfast 9:15 am - 9:35 am Office Hours 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Phone Number (216) 838-9850
BREAKFAST AND LUNCH: All students at Tremont are eligible for a free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is served at 9:15 am. A school breakfast and lunch menu can be found at
ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL: - Preschool Student Arrival: Parent/guardians must bring preschool students to the side entrance (#1) along West 10th Street and sign student(s) in at the doorway. Please note that you must bring a photo id when signing in your student. Parents/guardians must remain with the student until Tremont Montessori staff collects the child. Any older siblings or students being dropped off, must be dropped off separately at the main entrance (see K-8 Arrival). Adults will only be allowed in the building by appointment and through the main entrance.
- K-8 Student Arrival: All K-8th grade students, whether arriving by bus, car or on foot, are to enter the building through the main school entrance (#3) using the furthest left-hand entrance door. Any student with a cell phone or electronic device will be expected to turn off their device(s) and place it/them into a Yondr pouch which will be made available to them while in line for the security check (more information provided below).
- Please be advised, only students are permitted to enter the school building during arrival. Parents/guardians wanting to visit the office or meet with administrators will be admitted into the building after students have entered the building. For safety purposes, all visitors must go through the security line and check in at the office. Any adult who disregards this expectation and goes anywhere in the building without signing in at the office will be escorted out by security.
K-8 Student Dismissal
Bus riders are dismissed directly to their buses on West 10th Avenue. Kindergarten walkers and car riders are dismissed at the side door, Door 4 (preschool door C), which is on Jefferson, to the right of the main entrance. Walkers and car riders in grades 1-8 are dismissed directly out of the main or side door (Door 3 and 4). Adults must wait outside for pick up. All students and adults must use the crosswalk at the corner if they need to cross the street.
Please note: students will not be released between 3:15-4:00 pm unless there has been prior communication; therefore, if you arrive early, you may wait in your car or outside the building until walkers come out at the end of the day.
Currently, we do not have After School All Stars for students. Therefore, there is no after school club. Any student not picked up by 4:15 pm, will be considered a late pick up and will move inside the building. Adults will need to come to the office to pick up their student(s).
- Late Arrivals: A student is considered tardy starting at 9:45 am. Because attendance is counted by hours, if your child has repeated late arrivals, a conference will be requested and an attendance plan created in order to support your child’s academic success. If late arrivals continue to occur, the district’s attendance liaison will be engaged to determine next steps. Please note, a preschool student with excessive tardies may be asked to exit the program, per District preschool guidelines.
- Early Dismissal/Pickup: Please be advised that in order to allow the school and office to prepare for a safe and orderly dismissal, early pick up for students will only be by prior appointment. Notes or emails must be sent to the homeroom teacher no later than 9 am the day of the appointment in order for a student to be dismissed between 3:15 and 4:00 pm. You can also send an email to the main office at
- Preschool Dismissal
- Preschool students must be signed out by a parent or guardian at the end of each day. They will be dismissed from a door assigned to the classroom side of the building.
Door A: Urbas/Traxler (140) Johnson/Ewert-Krocker (138)
Door B: Conrad (122) McCandless (124) Door C: Pollard (131) DiBacco (132) | | |  |
Good communication between school and family is essential to a child’s success. Messages are checked throughout the day.
It is essential that we have current contact information for you throughout the year. Please be sure to send in a completed student information form at the beginning of the school year. If anything changes during the course of the year, please use the QR Code below to update your phone number, address, and email or call the school office if any changes occur.
REMIND APP: Also, sign up for school wide notifications and individual classroom teacher messages through the Remind App at If you need help in signing up for RemindYou can also contact your child’s teacher through email by using the teacher’s name in the following structure: Instructions on how to sign up for Remind are attached below.
The district has invested in Let’s Talk, a new online tool to help streamline communications by directing your questions to the right person within CMSD, and help you get the answers you need, quicker. This year you will also be able to see student grades in My Power Hub. Look for announcements about workshops that will be offered for those who may need a ‘how-to’ sign up tutorial.
PowerSchool for Parents: MyPowerHub brings together key information about your child(ren) from multiple PowerSchool tools, conveniently consolidated into one easy-to-access view. Effortlessly access grades, assignments, newsfeeds, two-way messaging, and more—all in a single, centralized hub.
Go to the Parent page on our website, - Click the MyPowerHub icon, the first icon under Student Learning and Data.
Click on Create Account and follow the steps to create your username and password. When asked to “Link Your Children” to your account, you will need their Student Access ID and Access password. You will receive an email with a link to click to verify your email address. After verifying your email, go to the PowerSchool Parent Page and logon.
|  | Powerschool Instructions_English.pdf |
| Download 325.4 KB |
|  | Powerschool Instructions_Spanish_merge.pdf |
| Download 428.7 KB |
| | | Employment OpportunitiesEmployment Opportunities - Global Cleveland - International Job & Resource Fair
- Ohio Means Jobs - Virtual Career Fair
- The Aerozone Job Fair
- City of Cleveland Jobs
- Step Forward Community Job Board
- Ohio Means Jobs Employment Services
- CMSD - We're Hiring!
| Parent Advisory Committee Become a Volunteer!
Tremont Montessori School and the Parent Advisory Committee are looking for volunteers. All volunteers will have to complete a background check and volunteer orientation. You can find out about becoming a volunteer by emailing emailing Nikisha Russ at or Shannise Jackson-Ndiaye at
If you are the parent/guardian of a child who attends Tremont Montessori School you can join the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee). Pickup a form in the school's main office.
| Say Yes Cleveland There’s a Say Yes Cleveland Family Support Specialist (FSS) in every Cleveland school building to connect students and families to the free services they need so that students can be provided with supports to overcome barriers and stay on track for success. Each FSS has years of experience helping Cleveland families overcome challenges. Contact Nikisha Russ, our Say Yes Cleveland Family Support Specialist at (216)645-8671 or email her at
Families can ensure strong support from Say Yes Cleveland by filling out our Parent Survey once each school year. To access this survey please use this link
Say Yes Cleveland support services can include:
- Afterschool programs
- Legal assistance for every student and family
- Academic tutoring
- Food assistance
- Behavioral and mental health services
- Medical and dental services
- Vision testing and services
- Clothing and home needs
- Technology access and help for remote learning
- Housing assistance
And much more! | | | Remind Instructions for ParentsPlease sign up for a Remind account to receive announcements from your child's teacher. Click on the PDF for instructions. |  | Remind Instructions for Parents.pdf |
| Download 986.7 KB |
| |  | TMS At A Glance 2024-25 calendar for families.docx |
| Download 263.6 KB |
|  | TMS Family Handbook 2024-2025 (1).pdf |
| Download 1.4 MB |
| |  | | | Students will bring home several important documents to be completed by a parent/guardian. It is important these documents are completed and returned to school in a timely fashion.
- Student Emergency Cards
- Immunization
- Medical Form
|  | Shannise Jackson-Ndiaye Shannise is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters |
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