Phone: 216-383-6700


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Celeste McCorkle

My name is Celeste McCorkle. I am currently a sixth-grade gifted teacher. I have been with the Riverside School since 1997. Another two years of my educational experience have been in Library Media- one of which was in a different state. I received my Bachelor of Science Degree at Cleveland State University, Master’s Degree in Education at Marygrove College, and Gifted Certification at Cleveland State University. I have had various experiences working with multi-age, multi-cultural children. I also have three children and two grands. I believe these factors help me to better appreciate and relate to our scholars and their needs.

Some things I enjoy are: singing, walking, active board games, classic and historic AV and films, connecting with siblings, friends and positive people and structuring events around the family dynamics. Also, I enjoy reading articles on health/wellness issues and natural cures.

 As I believe , teach, and attempt to follow these quotes- “The Golden Rule” and “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child” - I invite all stakeholders to join me in helping to grow a community of learners to their full potential. I work with my students to create an environment that allows individual and collaborative learning, encourages positive social interactions, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.