July 12, 2024
Dear Stonebrook-White Montessori Families,
One of the most gratifying aspects of working for a big city school district is having an opportunity to make changes in ways that impact education both locally and on a national scale. In my last 10 years as principal at Stonebrook-White Montessori, our team has built momentum in our reading, writing, and math proficiency. We have also led student-centered learning experiences in ways that I know will have a lasting impact on our scholars and families. Several opportunities for me to grow personally and professionally have come from these privileges. One opportunity has been presented for me to lead as a high school principal.
Effective July 22, 2024, I will leave my position as Stonebrook-White Montessori Principal to become a high school principal. This is an exciting opportunity for me that will enable me to support scholars at the secondary level.
We are searching for a principal to take over for the 2024-2025 school year. The next principal will be one who can assist our scholars and staff with a smooth transition and build on our continued success.
The decision to leave a school that I love and a team of such respected educators was made much easier when I reflected on what we have accomplished together. At Stonebrook-White Montessori, my memories are too countless to name. Some of my favorite memories include Father’s Walk, STEAM activities, field day, the Montessori merger, and the promotion and success of hundreds of scholars. Also, I will never forget our annual Trick-or-Treat and all of the fun costumes.
While I work out the details of my transition to my new assignment, which begins on July 22, 2024, I remain fully committed to working with our staff toward a smooth transition to new leadership at Stonebrook-White Montessori Campus.
It has been a pleasure serving the Stonebrook-White Montessori Campus.
Thank you,
Ari A. Hayes