• Miles Park School is committed to having a strong parent/school partnership. The Hornets’ Nest School Parent Organization is a great way caregivers can be actively involved in the development of their scholar and support the progress of the school’s mission.

    SPO members can also:

    • Volunteer at the school,
    • Help develop effective two-way school-parent communication,
    • Plan fundraising activities to support student events, and
    • Collaborate with the community.

    Any parent or custodial caregiver can be a member of the Miles Park SPO by virtue of having a scholar enrolled at the school.

    SPO officers and Homeroom parents are required to be a parent or legal guardian of a scholar. There are no fees or dues to be an active member.

    If you want to be in the know? Join the SPO!


  • If you are unable to join us at this time, it is totally ok!  There are still so many ways to be an active participant in your child's education!  These include:

    • Attending Parent-Teacher Conferences
    • Helping your child with homework
    • Talking to your child about what they learned in school that day
    • Encouraging good study habits