In this day and age of school violence, Miles Park building administrators have taken a zero tolerance stance against bullying! This means that if a student is suspected of bullying others, he/she will have to meet with administration, parents and families to determine the root cause. Every incidence of bullying is taken seriously and should not be ignored. If your student indicated to you that he/she has been threatened, intimidated or harassed more than once by one or more individuals, a full scale security investigation will be done.
We believe that every student at Miles Park School deserves to receive a quality education free from fear of personal safety. If a student is found guilty of bullying, he/she will be subjected to serious disciplinary action including, but not limited to suspension, expulsion and possible legal action. In the state of Ohio, bullying is a CRIME! Parents, please inform administration as soon as you hear of anything that may resemble bullying behavior. Thank you!