This webpage provides an overview of the academic performance of District and charter schools. It is a helpful starting point to explore how well we are doing in providing high quality school options for all students.




  • 26% of K-8 students, or more than 10,000 out of 38,000, attend an A, B, or C-rated school.
  • Overall, a majority of K-8 students (74%) are attending a D or F-rated school.


2017-18 District and Charter K-8 Enrollment by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

graph showing most students in schools that are rated as a C, D or F.
1 Ohio scores are for all schools, not exclusively K-8 schools
SOURCE:2017-18 ODE headcount enrollment data; 2018 ODE Overall Report Card Scores
  • Over 30,000 K-8 students in Cleveland attend D or F rated schools, with nearly 20,000 enrolled in District K-8 schools and just over 10,000 enrolled in charter K-8 schools.
  • 35% of charter students are attending A, B, or C-rated schools, slightly better than CMSD schools, though both sectors have considerable progress to make to meet demand for quality.


2017-18 District and Charter K-8 Enrollment by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

graph showing the East side has more f-rated schools and the west has more access to high quality schools.
Note: Chart omits Ohio Connections Academy, a virtual charter school, from regional view
SOURCE: 2018 ODE Report Card Scores; 2017-18 campus locations; 2017-18 ODE headcount enrollment data
  • While all regions require improved quality, there is currently more access to high quality schools on the west side at the K-8 level.
  • 62% of K-8 seats in the Southwest region are rated A, B, or C, while the East region has 9% of seats rated A, B, or C.






2017-18 District and Charter K-8 School Locations
by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

Map showing Northeast region

  • 25% of enrollment in the region is at schools rated A, B or C, though only 44 students attend a B-rated school and no A-rated schools are located in the region.
  • 75% of regional school enrollment is in D or F-rated schools.
  • There are C-rated schools spread across the region.
  • Glenville does not have any schools rated higher than a D located in the neighborhood.


2017-18 District and Charter K-8 School Locations
by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

Map showing east region

  • There are no CMSD or Charter K-8 schools rated A or B in the region and 92% of regional enrollment is at schools rated D or F. This is the lowest performance of any region.
  • 91% of regional enrollment is at schools rated D or F.
  • The East Region has the lowest access to high quality seats of any region. Central, Fairfax and Kinsman do not have any A, B, or C-rated schools located in those respective neighborhoods.


2017-18 District and Charter K-8 School Locations
by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

Map showing Southeast region

  • 22% of enrollment is in C-rated schools, though there are no A or B-rated schools.
  • 78% of enrollment is at schools rated either a D or F, the second highest rate of any region in the city.
  • Mount Pleasant and Union-Miles do not have any schools rated C or better located in those respective neighborhoods.

Near West

2017-18 District and Charter K-8 School Locations
by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

Map showing Nearwest region

  • 23% of enrollment in the Near West is at schools rated B or C. There are no A-rated schools in the region.
  • 77% of enrollment is at schools rated either a D or F.
  • Detroit-Shoreway does not have any A, B, or C-rated schools located in the neighborhood.


2017-18 District and Charter K-8 School Locations
by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

Map showing West region

  • 34% of enrollment in the West region is at schools rated A, B or C.
  • 66% of enrollment is at schools rated either a D or F.
  • There is varied performance between the four neighborhoods in the West region, but all have at least one charter or District school rated C or better.


2017-18 District and Charter K-8 School Locations
by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

Map showing Southwest region

  • 62% of Southwest enrollment is at schools rated A, B or C, the highest rate of any region.
  • 38% of Southwest enrollment is at schools rated a D or F.
  • There is varied performance between the three neighborhoods in the Southwest region, but all have at least one charter or District school rated C or better.







2017-18 District and Charter High School Enrollment by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

graph showing most students attend a C, D or F rated school.
1 Excludes alternative high schools, but includes virtual charter high schools
2 Ohio scores are for all schools, not exclusively high schools
Note: Row totals do not all sum to 100% due to rounding
SOURCE: 2017-18 ODE headcount enrollment data; 2018 ODE Overall Report Card Grades
  • 24% of students enrolled in District high schools attend A, B or C-rated schools, though 60% of those schools are selective admission.
  • 100% of students enrolled in charter high schools attend D or F-rated schools.


2017-18 District and Charter High School Enrollment by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades and Region of Student Residence

graph showing the East side has greater access to High Quality schools due to the admissions criteria schools.
Note: Due to the citywide nature of choice at the high school level, this analysis uses the region of student residence, not the region in which the school is located, to assess access to quality; chart excludes virtual and alternative charter high schools
SOURCE: 2018 ODE Report Card Grades; 2017-18 geo-coded student-level data
  • East side residents are attending A,B or C-rated schools at roughly 20 percentage points higher than their west side peers.
  • There is greater access to higher quality high schools for east side residents due to the proximity of admissions criteria schools, in the University Circle area.


Northeast, East and Southeast

2017-18 District and Charter High School Locations by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

graph showing the East side has greater access to High Quality schools due to the admissions criteria schools.
SOURCE: 2017-18 school locations; 2018 ODE Overall Report Card Grades
  • 34% of high school enrollment across regions on the east side is in A, B or C-rated schools.
  • 100% of District A and B-rated high schools have admissions criteria.
  • 66% of east side high school enrollment is at D or F-rated schools.


Near West, West and Southwest

2017-18 District and Charter High School Locations by 2018 ODE Report Card Grades

graph showing the West side has less access to High Quality schools than the East side.
SOURCE: 2017-18 school locations; 2018 ODE Overall Report Card Grades
  • 12% of high school enrollment across regions on the west side is in A, B or C-rated schools, which is significantly lower than regions on the east side.
  • There is only one high school located on the west side that is rated C or better.
  • To access an A or B-rated school, students residing on the west side of Cleveland would need to seek admission into the criteria high schools on the east side.





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