Welcome to MYP!
Welcome to the Middle Years Program!
As you enter 6th grade, there are many new and different things to adjust to. This can be exciting, terrifying, and overwhelming, but it’s reassuring to know that you’re not navigating this alone. You have some pretty great teachers and older students to guide you through this move. Be open to the possibilities and opportunities that present themselves. Embrace the awkward and the uncomfortable. Take on the challenges, make mistakes, and grow from them. The best is yet to come!
As you lean into the higher expectations and rigor set for you as middle schoolers, you are required to read one book this summer from the provided list of diverse titles and complete the tissue box assignment. You do not need to spend money to purchase a book, but you’re more than welcome to! We recommend visiting your local library branch and checking out the book of your choosing. (PS many libraries offer summer reading programs where you can get rewarded for your reading!) Through the Sora App located on Clever, you also have access to
Cleveland Public Library’s digital and audiobook database. (directions to access here).Lastly, we know that the natural reaction to school work in the summer from some of you is a groan and an immediate audible “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” But reading in the summer does hold some tremendous benefits. It keeps your brain active and alert which will allow for an easier transition at the start of the school year. (Imagine turning your computer on after its been powered down all summer and how long it will take to boot back up. Our brains work in a similar way to rebuild that muscle memory.) It also allows you to build your vocabulary, reading fluency, endurance, and confidence. You have the ability to go at your own pace, reread where needed, take notes, look up the definitions and hear the pronunciation of unfamiliar words. These are all skills we will be building this year in the classroom. You will find that some of the most important skills for thriving in middle school are time management, accountability, and finding a balance between work and play. So if you’re someone tempted to say, “I can’t do it! I’m too busy.” We encourage you to try reading sprints. (We do these in the classroom too!) Step away from the video games, put your phone on Do Not Disturb, and set a timer for 10 minutes to just read. Take a break, and repeat. In a 24 hour day, you can commit 30 minutes to bettering yourself for your future! 6th grade is all about creating habits that will help you be successful later in life. Push through the roadblocks and tell yourself that you can and will get your summer reading done! This is your first assignment and grade as 6th graders, so represent yourself well and make yourself proud!
Your English teachers challenge you to find books that transport you to other worlds, see things from different perspectives, and leave you thinking, wondering, and in awe. We cannot wait to hear all about your summer reading journeys!
Middle Years Program Expectations
Middle Years Programme (MYP)
Introduction to the Middle Years Programme (MYP)
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) The MYP is a challenging academic program that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The program builds connections between subject areas and the real world and is designed to develop the skills needed for our global society and foster international-mindedness in our students. We are currently in the candidate phase of the MYP authorization process, implementing all major components of the IB MYP.
Developing the International Student (MYP)
The cornerstone of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is the Programme's Learner Profile (see below). These are the ten most important attributes of an international person and answers the question: What kind of person do we want our students to be? The aim of the MYP is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. At Campus International School we want the students to learn to become inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, balanced and reflective. In all areas of the school, the teachers and staff model these attributes. Learning experiences are created so that the students are able to develop these characteristics. The profile helps teachers and students establish goals, plan units of inquiry, and assess performance.IB Learner Profile
Inquirers :
• develop natural curiosity
• are independent learners
• acquire skills necessary for inquiry and research
• actively enjoys learningThinkers :
• exercise initiative in applying thinking skills
• approaches complex problems
• critically and with creativity
• makes reasoned and ethical decisionsCommunicators :
• understand and express ideas with confidence and creativity
• express ideas in more than one language
• work effectively and willingly in collaboration with othersPrincipled :
• act with integrity and honesty
• have a strong sense of justice and fairness
• respects the dignity of the individual, groups and communitiesCaring :
• allows empathy, compassion and respect towards others
• have a personal commitment to service
• acts to make a positive difference in others and the environmentOpen-minded :
• understands and appreciates their own cultures and personal histories
• are open to the perspective, values and traditions of others
• seeks and evaluates a range of points of view
• are willing to grow from the experience of evaluating different points of viewBalanced :
• understands the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance
• understands balance in these areas is important to achieve personal well-beingKnowledgeable :• explores concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance
• acquires in-depth knowledge and develops understanding• dedicated to learning across a broad range of disciplinesRisk-Takers :• approach unfamiliar situations with courage and forethought
• have the confidence to try new things• learn from failuresReflective :
• gives thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience
• are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations
• understands reflection is needed to support their learning and personal development
Here are a few tips to help you with the middle school transition. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers, counselors or staff at your school if you need help.
1. Get organized –
• Get used to checking Schoology daily.
• Color-code your folders and notebooks OR use an accordion file OR an AM and PM binder.
• Keep your locker and backpack cleaned out.2. Do your work in a timely fashion
• More teachers mean more work.
• Schedule your time wisely.
• Allot a certain amount of time every night for homework and study.
• Don’t wait until an assignment is due - start early.
• Keep track of your homework assignments and their due dates. Check Schoology.
• If you are absent, check Schoology for missed work and check in with your teachers the day you
return.3. Talk to your Teachers
•Ask questions. If you are unsure of an assignment, what you need to be doing, or of anything, just ask.
•Your teachers are there to help you.4. Get involved in extra-curricular activities
•Find things that you enjoy - sports, clubs, activities, and get involved. This is a great way to meet new
people, have fun and make CIS better overall.
•Feel like an activity/club is missing? CREATE IT AND BECOME THE LEADER
•Listen to AM/PM announcements for upcoming meetings to join these activities at our school.5. Talk to your parents and keep them informed of what is going on in your middle school life.
•You’re at an age where your parents are going to put more responsibility on you.
•Parent conferences shouldn’t be the first time they hear about things. (Talk to them and use schoology)6. Find an adult you trust to talk to when you have problems.
7. Choose your friends wisely.
8. Come to school and have fun!!
Parent Tips for Middle School Transition
1. Don’t be too anxious about your child going to middle school.
Talk about the middle school experience in a positive way! Your enthusiasm and support can help make this BIG change in your child’s school life a positive one.2. Help your child develop an organizational strategy.
•Designate a study space and set a consistent study time.
•Check Schoology
•Prepare for the week/day ahead.
•Provide help and support while your child is learning to become more organized.
•CHECK SCHOOLOGY3. Talk about social skills.
•Talk about traits that make a good friend.
•Discuss how words and actions can affect other people.
•Practice skills needed for difficult social situations.4. Openly communicate with your child.
•Keep the lines of communication open between your child and school staff.
•Be informed, listen, and talk to your child.5. Get involved as a parent.
•MYP is open to parent volunteers just like PYP
•Attend parent-teacher nights, open houses, PTO meetings and/or other events.
•Help your child to be his or her own advocate. Encourage your child to discuss problems and solutions with teachers on their own but be ready to help as needed. If a problem arises in a particular class about assessment/homework, e-mail the teacher directly.Email our MYP Principal (Kameron Terrell) or Say YES coordinator (Sarah Days) with family or social concerns.