Degrees and Certifications:
M.Ed, Administration, Cleveland State Univeristy MA,Teaching, Kent State University MPA,Public Administration, Cleveland State University BA, Hampton University
Mrs. Shalom Norton
Greetings Families of AB Hart! My name is Shalom Norton. I am the Reading Recovery teacher at AB Hart. Reading Recovery is an individualized reading program for selected 1st grade students. I also teach select 3rd grade students utilizing the Leveled Literacy Intervention program. This is my first year at AB Hart. I have 16 years experience working in education, all of which have been in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. I am a Reading Specialist who has been trained to increase student achievement by strengthening our scholars’ skills in English Language Arts. I am available to assist your child/our scholars by providing supplemental materials. Please call the school prior to coming to make sure I don't already a scholar, parent, and/or family scheduled already. Also, please inquire about “Little Free Library” a new reading program at Fullerton.
The data has shown that scholars that have the Reading Recovery program and/or the Leveled Literacy Intervention program as an intervention make gains that counter balance initial deficits, and achieve at the level of the grade level colleagues and in most cases perform higher. The key to any academic program being a success is the student's attendance, and the support for the program from the home. All students benefit from reading each day at home. We hope students read 15-30 minutes. Their fluency grows stronger if they read aloud. We encourage all parents/guardians to have their children read to them each day for 15-30 minutes.