• Welcome to The School of One at MAGNET



    This school site utilizes the following online programs to help our students achieve academic success: 

    Achieve3000: Read 2 articles per week and complete all parts of the 5-step literacy activities. We read one article each week together using the Gradual Release method of instruction. Students are required to respond to the Thought Question and use the class writing rubric to evaluate their writing.

    PEAK/FuelEd: Complete 5-10 lessons/quizzes per week. Students are required to maintain a notebook in which they identify vocabulary words and key ideas from the information they are reading in their lessons. The notes can then be used when taking assessments for a given unit/course.

    IXL: Math and English skills are taught through IXL. Students are required to complete 50 skills in a subject area in order to receive a semester credit. Intervention is conducted through TEAMS meetings using screen sharing and white board sharing.



    Teacher:  Shanita Horton shanita.horton@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Educational Aide:  Bobbie Blair  bobbie.blair@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Intervention Specialist:  GaVita Haynes  gavita.haynes@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Resource Coordinator:  Rebecca Bell (216) 562-9200 call/text  rebecca.bell@clevelandmetroschools.org

    SAY YES Family Support Specialist:  Jake Francis (216) 905-6643 jacob.francis@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Guidance Counselor:  Marjana Ognjenovic  marjana.ognjenovic@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Site Contact Numbers: (216) 778-9117

    College Now: (216) 241-5587 or text the word TASSEL to (216) 208-5866   CollegeNow Scheduling Link