Welcome to The School of One The Foundry @ MCPc!
LEARNING PLATFORMSThis school site utilizes the following online platforms to help our students achieve academic success:
Students can access all learning platforms through Schoology.
Achieve 3000: The students should complete two reading lessons per week.
Achieve Math: Students should be engaged for one hour twice a week
PEAK/BrightSpace: Students should complete 5 lessons per day.
IXL: Students should complete one skill set per day.
Quill: Students should complete a minimum of 5 lessons weekly.
Site Contact Number: 216-317-0063
Teacher: Mrs. Lynch melanie.lynch@clevelandmetroschools.org / 216-317-0063 call or text
Paraprofessional: Tyler Malone-Dyson tyler.malonedyson@clevelandmetroschools.org
Intervention Specialist: Valencia Jones-Smith valencia.jones@clevelandmetroschools.org
Resource Coordinator: Rebecca Bell rebecca.bell@clevelandmetroschools.org (216) 562-9200 call or text
SAY YES Family Support Specialist: Jake Francis (216) 905-6643 jacob.francis@clevelandmetroshools.org
Guidance Counselor: Marjana Ognjenovic marjana.ognjenovic@clevelandmetroschools.org
College Now: (216) 241-5587 or text the word TASSEL to (216) 208-5866 College Now Scheduling Link