• The School of One at James F. Rhodes



    This school site utilizes the following online platforms to help our students achieve academic success: 

    Achieve 3000: Students should read 2-3 articles per week and complete all parts of the 5-step literacy activities. Additionally, students are required to use a suggested graphic organizer to help them identify 3 supporting ideas/facts from a given article that guide them in establishing/identifying the main idea of that article. 

    PEAK: Students should complete all work on their daily schedule. Students can find their schedules for each of their courses in their TEAMS folder. Print or keep a digital copy of these schedules to make sure you are on track each day.  Students are required to maintain a notebook in which they identify vocabulary words and key ideas from the information they are reading in these lessons.  Those notes then can and should be used when taking assessments for a given unit/course.

    Students also need to complete class Journal prompts that can be found in their TEAMS folder twice a week. We utilize other websites based on student needs.  These include Khan Academy, Duolingo, Everfi, Imagine Math, and IXL.



    Site Contact Number: 216-838-8875 (please leave a message or text us on Remind)


    Teacher:  Sahar Shouman  sahar.shouman@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Paraprofessional:  Miatta Kaba  miatta.kaba@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Intervention Specialist:  Ga-Vita Haynes  gavita.haynes@clevelandmetroschools.org

    Resource Coordinator:  Kerry Copes  (216) 233-8929 (call/text)  kerry.copes@clevelandmetroschools.org 

    SAY YES Family Support Specialist: Jasmine Hayes  jhayes@sayyescleveland.org

    Guidance Counselor:  Marjana Ognjenovic marjana.ognjenovic@clevelandmetroschools.org

    College Now:  (216) 241-5587 or text the word TASSEL to (216) 208-5866  College Now Scheduling Link