• Day 14

     Day 14 – CRM vs. BLM Leadership and Technology

    Today we compare the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) to Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the impact leadership, and technology had on each movement, along with the complexities associated with each movement.

    Black History has always been the spoken and unspoken narrative of America. African Americans are continuously fighting for rights in America. The Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s helped raise the consciousness of the world to the horrible conditions and treatment of African Americans. Not just conscious awareness, but a call to action for change to take place in American. With the killing of unarmed blacks in America, The Black Lives Matter Movement continues this call to action for change in America today.

    When comparing CRM vs BLM, leadership structure were totally different. CRM, leadership consisted of male, church dominate, whereas BLM leadership structure are women-led, and secular dominate. Read this article to gain insight on CRM vs BLM Leadership.

    Click here to read how technology help move forward each movement.

    View the video here to better understand the complexities of each movement, leadership, technology, focus, and how in their own way pushed for change to take place.   

    After you engage with the challenge materials comparing BLM vs CRM leadership and technology, share how the readings and video have enlightened your understanding of BLM vs CRM with us @LWScienceHealth on Instagram.