• Cleveland School of the Arts Visit Days

    We are so excited that you are interested in CSA! We know that CSA is a great place and look forward to helping your scholar decide if we are a good fit for them.

    There will be no shadow days in August, December, January, and April

    Please complete this form to schedule your student shadow day at CSA.


    School Visit Day Schedule


    9:30 AM

    Main Office

    Visit Day Orientation w/admin & student ambassadors

    9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

    Media Center

    Building tour w/student ambassadors

    10:00 AM – 10:45 AM

    Visit each floor

    Debrief/Q & A

    10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

    Media Center


    11:00 am

    Main Office

    Shadow Day Detail

    • Visit Days are scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month*
      • Exception for school tours
      • Special days include performances, community meetings, other school-wide events
    • NO Visit Days during testing weeks or during the months of  August, December, January, or April
    • Students and their families will sign in at the Main Office and receive a welcome packet
    • Cell phones should be silenced and out of sight during school visit
    • If visiting without a parent, students will return to the main office after the visit day to be picked up by parent/ guardian.
    • Students will not receive lunch while at CSA, so please plan accordingly.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office: 216-838-9000 or email: admissions@clevelandschoolofthearts.org