• School/Group Visit


    Group/School Visit logistics:

    • All school/group visits should be scheduled two (2) weeks prior to the requested date.
    • The school/group must complete the online School/Group visit day request (below).
    • CSA staff must confirm the date does not conflict with any in-house events (testing, rehearsals, shows, etc.)
    • Requesting school/group must provide their own transportation unless otherwise indicated.
    • Requesting school/group is responsible for their own food unless otherwise indicated. Must request lunches from your schools cafeteria staff.
    • Requesting school/group must have a teacher-to-student ratio of 10:1
    • Requesting school/group must monitor student behavior. CSA reserves the right to remove a student from the visit
    • Once confirmed CSA staff will provide the requesting school with a visit day itinerary (see below)


    CSA School/Group Visit Request



    Sample Visit Day Agenda


    9:00 am – 9:10 am

    Main Office

    Welcome & Visit Orientation

    9:00 am – 9:30 am

    Media Center

    CSA Student Q & A Panel

    9:30 am – 10:00 am

    Media Center

    Building tour w/student ambassadors

    10:00 am – 10:30 am

    Visit each floor

    Arts Classroom visit

    10:30 am – 11:00 am

    Art classrooms


    11:00 am -

    Main Office