Phone: 2168388950
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Hall
Welcome to Ursuline College! I’m sure everyone had a great summer and enjoyed their time off. My name is Ms. Hall. I’ve been teaching in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District for 27 years, the last 4 of which were at WGLA as the Reading Intervention teacher servicing grades 2-8! I am looking forward to a very productive year of learning in 2nd Grade!
Important Information:
- Supplies: We're fortunate to have school supplies provided! Donations of disinfecting wipes, tissues, or hand soap are appreciated. Pencils, crayons, glue, paper, and scissors are needed for home learning.
- Discipline: We aim for a safe and positive environment. Hitting, kicking, or violence won't be tolerated. We'll use Class Dojo, a student-friendly program, to track behavior and reward good choices.
- Homework: Monday through Thursday, expect daily reading and math assignments (20 minutes each). Check your child's purple folder nightly for homework due the next day. Completed assignments on time earn Class Dojo points!
- Dress Code: Purple or red polo with khaki/tan, navy, or black bottoms (closed-toe shoes required). Tennis shoes are needed for PE and Dance.
- Personal Devices: Cell phones and tablets stay home to minimize distractions. Cell phones brought to school will be secured in a Yondr pouch.
- Attendance: Punctuality matters! Breakfast starts at 7:50 a.m., and instruction starts at 8:10 a.m. Dismissal is at 3:10 p.m., and early pick-up after 2:15 p.m. is prohibited. Send notes for absences (make-up work provided).
- Contact: The best way to contact me is through ClassDojo. You can also leave a message with the secretary in the office at 216-838-8950 or email me at iranette.hall@clevelandmetroschools.org.
- Class Dojo: Please go to the link below to get connected to my current ClassDojo page. This will be the main mode of communication with parents.
- https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CN7AMW2
- Birthdays: Celebrations and treats won't happen at school, but I can help with invitations for outside parties.
I am looking forward to teaching your daughter this school year! I can’t wait to meet you at our next parent event!
Ms. Hall