Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Zelenskas
Welcome to Scripts College (kindergarten) at Warner Girl’s Leadership Academy. I look forward to having your child in my kindergarten classroom this year. The following information is important to make this a successful and fun year for all.
Arrival: Students may enter the building at 7:50 a.m. and report directly to the classroom. I will escort the girls to the cafeteria at 8:10 a.m. for breakfast. Please make every effort to have your child at school on time to ensure they receive the best possible learning. The “on track” attendance goal is to miss fewer than 2.5 days or 15 hours in each quarter, including late arrivals and early departures.
Dismissal: Bus and daycare riders will be escorted to their buses/vans, while car riders will be sitting in the cafeteria. Please pull up on Connecticut, and a staff member will call names as they see your car pulling up (please hold up the car sign with your child’s name on it). Students should be picked up within 5 minutes of our 3:10 dismissal. Early dismissal ends at 2:15.
Homework: Homework will be in the purple folder. I will send home a packet on Friday of each week. The homework packet is due by the following Friday. This work will be a review of our classroom work. Please ensure the purple folder returns daily so we can record your daughter’s behavior and send school notices home. Homework is a grade on our Kindergarten report card.
Classroom behavior: A clip system will be used for daily behavior in our classroom. The color will be marked in your child’s folder daily to let you know how their day was. The goal is to stay on green or go above (blue, purple, pink). If your child is on red, you will receive a phone call, note, or ClassDojo message. Please talk to your child about appropriate school behavior and the importance of listening, following directions, and learning. Students must behave appropriately at school to attend field trips.
Pink: Role Model; Purple: Great Work; Blue: Good Work; Green: On task/ready to learn; Yellow: Slow Down; Orange: Think about it; or Red: OH NO…stop!
Dress Code: Solid-colored purple or red polo shirts; solid-colored purple, red, black, navy, or white sweaters or sweatshirts (no hoods); Khaki, tan, black, or navy pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts; and Closed-toed shoes (no flip-flops, Crocs, slides, or sandals). Students should be in the dress code daily. Please contact us if you need assistance with uniforms.
Grading Policy: We will use the district kindergarten rubric scale for report card grades. You will notice that some of our daily classroom work will be graded with these scores.
4: Exceeds expectations; 3: Meets expectations; 2: Approaching expectations; 1: Approaching expectations with adult support
Supplies: Each student will need a clear book bag labeled with your daughter’s name and one complete change of clothing in a plastic bag labeled with your daughter’s name (it does not have to be dress code). We welcome any of the following items to help in our classroom: Tissues, paper towels, Ziplock bags, Soft Soap, and hand sanitizer.
Birthdays: There will be no birthday treats or celebrations at school. Students will receive a birthday tiara and pencil at school, but birthday celebrations must be held at home.
Kindergarten Meeting Dates: There will be NO SCHOOL for all kindergarten students on the following dates: September 20th, December 6th, and April 11th
Family connections/correspondence:
Phone: 216-838-8950; Email: eileenm.zelenskas@clevelandmetroschools.org; or ClassDojo (app for your phone). Please connect to our class!
I look forward to working with you and your child this year and helping them become successful learners.
Mrs. Zelenskas
Kindergarten Room 136A