Phone: 2168388950
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Leskovec
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Warner Girls’ Leadership Academy and Room A201, Meredith College! I am the 6th-8th Grade Social Studies Teacher. I look forward to the adventures that the Wildflowers and I will have as we journey from the regions and people of the Eastern Hemisphere to Ancient Greece to the first Global Age and on to the beginning and Reconstruction of America. I am eager to hear your voices and analyze historical situations as a historian!
I look forward to partnering with you to make our wildflowers grow and be prepared for their next journey in high school life.
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Social Studies Topics:
Grade 6, Regions and People of the Eastern Hemisphere
1) The Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe), its geographic features, early history, cultural development, and economic change.
2) The development of river civilizations in Africa and Asia, including their governments, cultures, and economic systems
3) The geographic focus includes the study of contemporary regional characteristics, the movement of people, products, and ideas, and cultural diversity.
4) The role of consumers and the interaction of markets, resources, and competition.
Grade 7, World Studies from 750 B.C. to 1600 A.D.: Ancient Greece to the First Global Age
1) History, geography, government, and economics in Ancient Greece and continuing through global exploration.
2) How historical events are shaped by geographic, social, cultural, economic, and political factors.
3) How ideas and events from the past have shaped the world today.
Grade 8, U.S. Studies from 1492 to 1877: Exploration through Reconstruction
1) Exploration and the early years of the United States
2) A chronological view of the development of the United States through its history, geography, government, and economics.
3) How historical events are shaped by geographic, social, cultural, economic, and political factors.
4) Tru2U - High School Preparation
Here is what will be included in the Social Studies Class:
1) Warm-ups on Schoology
2) Discussions on Schoology
3) Digital Assignments
4) Tests and Quizzes
5) TCI resources
6) Online Social Studies resources