• Fullerton School Site


    Update May 2, 2024:

    Fullerton Site Fullerton Site Fullerton Site

    Update February 28, 2024:

    The abatement and demolition of the former Fullerton building was completed in early 2024 and the site will be graded and seeded with grass.

    Update February 8, 2024:

    RFQ issued to redevelop the Fullerton School site. 

We encourage everyone to stay up to date on what is happening with the former Fullerton School site at Slavic Village Development's webpage.

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts by taking our survey.

Paper copies of the survey also can be completed during regular business hours at the Fleet Branch - Cleveland Public Library and at Slavic Village's Development Office, 5620 Broadway Avenue.

Your voice is important to this process and we value your time and honesty. All responses will remain anonymous.