• MTSS - Multi-Tiered System of Supports 

    CMSD Occupational and Physical Therapists can provide services and supports to:

    • CMSD Buildings and classrooms (Tier 1
    • At risk CMSD scholars, classroom teachers, intervention specialists (Tier 2
    • CMSD Scholars with intensive needs, most likely on IEPs (Tier 3)


    Tier 1 CMSD OT PT Services can include: Building supports, building training, building programming, classroom programs, classroom training. 

    Tier 2 CMSD OT Services can include: Small groups, teacher-led strategies, teacher consultation and support, SST participation. For example: 

    SST - Student Support Teams  

    Our CMSD Student Support Teams are building-based, collaborative, problem-solving groups who come together to help at risk students, using the MTSS (multitiered system of supports) Framework.

      • These CMSD SST teams are often made up of classroom teachers, intervention specialists, school psychologists, administrators, and relevant related service providers (occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and language therapists, counselors, etc.).
      • Goals of Student Support Teams can be to address scholar problems, to help students achieve, and provide interventions which are designed and monitored by the team.
      • When occupational therapists and physical therapists are involved in SST, we often provide relevant intervention strategies to support the student in their least restrictive educational setting.
      • The OTs and PTs also collaborate with school staff and families to determine the interventions best suited to meet the particular needs of the at-risk student.

    Tier 3 CMSD OT PT Services can include: Direct interventions via IEPs, Modification and accommodation support through 504s, Evaluations via the ETR process, and Assistive Technology consultation. 


  • Supporting our Autistic Scholars - Infographics