CEO Focus

Greetings CMSD Families and Friends,


I have excellent news to share regarding school attendance. As a District, we are making remarkable headway toward reducing chronic absenteeism.


Chronic absenteeism is down 5 percent from the same marking period last year through March of the current academic school year. Chronic absenteeism is defined as a student missing at least 10 percent or about 18 days of the school year for any reason.


This reduction in chronic absenteeism strongly validates that we are moving in the right direction. Regular attendance is key to the success of our scholars and the future of our District.


A recent national study by the New York Times revealed chronic absenteeism has risen 15% since the COVID-19 pandemic. The rise extends across all socio-economic, racial, and geographical lines.


CMSD is bucking the trend. Thanks to creative and deeply intentional efforts by dedicated team members in our attendance department, we continue to make headway by identifying reasons students are chronically absent and coming up with solutions.


We also continue to engage well with community partners who work closely with scholars and staff to promote attendance. An excellent example of such a partnership is the relationship between Harvey Rice Elementary school and WKYC (Ch. 3).


Last September, Principal Lawanda Jackson and Sakeenah Evans, the school’s wraparound coordinator, shared with WKYC that student attendance was the biggest challenge.


The school’s leadership and the TV station then formed a plan to boost attendance rates. Beginning in March, the school held a series of weekly attendance rallies, which included DJs and trivia games.


In February, only 30 students at the school had registered perfect attendance.


In March, the number of students with perfect attendance soared to 63!


Last Thursday, a major pep rally with prize raffles and McDonald’s gift certificates was hosted by the TV station, which celebrated students with perfect attendance in March.


We still have a way to go to get our attendance numbers where they should be, but we’re working hard to get it right. Encouraging signs are manifesting.


Yours in gratitude,

Dr. Warren G. Morgan

April 10

This week's focus is

Excellence & Achievement

By the Numbers


Decline in Chronic Absentee Rates 2023-2024 school year


Percentage reduction in out-of-school suspension in January, February, and March 2024 compared to the same month in 2023


Percentage of seniors who have applied to college this year compared to last year: 45%

Upcoming Events

PreK & K Teacher Professional Development

No school for PreK & K

April 19, 2024


Board Business Meeting

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Starts at 6:30pm



See full list of events

Special Observances


National Autism Awareness Month

National Child Abuse Awareness Month

National Arab American Heritage Month

National Volunteer Month

Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 4/3

National School Librarian Day 4/4



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